The ultrasound was Monday, and went fairly well. My appointment was at 830, the first of the day, and something seemed to be off about the machine, but the tech got it all together fine and started. She looked at all my bits, which are all in the same general places as the last two times shes done this... but I know its her job. Then went to get a peek at baby and the first thing we see are legs spread open. Normally they take baby's mesurements first, then show you boy or girl, but she couldnt skip it and hope to get just a clear view again so we got to know at the very begining that baby is a girl. The very first thing we learned about her is that she is not very cooperative. We never got to see her face, and took just over the hour alloted to get a decent view of everything else. Emma also told us that she will not be holding still. She started out breach, and dancing, then half way through the ultrasound she flipped over completely. We never knew where to look to find her arms or legs or feet, except in front of her face seemed to be her favorite place. In the two pictures above, her face is behind her knees, then behind her tiny fists. Below is the best profile we got, and here her little face is smooshed up against the placenta so we still couldnt see it.

I have to go back for a fourth ultrasound next monday in order to see her little face to check for any deformities. I dont mind the extra appointments and pictures, but Im not looking forward to paying for the extra ultrasounds. Only one is included in the estimated cost that we are making monthly payments towards, so I am going to make an extra payment this month, just to help out.
After the ultrasound, Jason and I went to the zoo. We had a great time. I have never been to a zoo before, just to the deer park in Bandon, OR, and to Wildlife Safari in Windston, OR. Both were a lot of fun, but nothing like a zoo. They are more free range, and petting park types. We both bought things to bring home, Jason a new shot glass, and I got a very soft bright orange monkey.
We finished the day with a little shopping, and Jason picked out Emma's first clothing purchase- a onesie that says in sparkly pink letters "I'm not a boy!" We told Heather, next door, and she was very excited. She let me know that they have planned a yard sale for August second with several other women on my street who all have baby things to sell... Kristy said they are starting at 8am, and there are boy and girl things, from infant to around kindergarden age (as far as I know thats the age/size range.)
Tonight Jason had his first softball practice and I went out to dinner and a movie with the girls in the neighborhood. I was a little shy, because I only kind of know Heather, and Ive met Tereasa, but didnt know Kristy at all. They are a lot of fun. We had Tereasa's twelve year old daughter Miranda with us too. All of them are great, and I feel more like a part of our subdivision now. Or at least a part of this end of the street. While I was out, cable one came and got our internet installed, and Jason had it all set up before I got home, so I am sitting on my staircase (where he had my computer) checking my email, and letting everyone know the news! From the convienance of my own late night home.
Oh, one last thing, I invited my mom to come to the next ultrasound, she will be in town thursday night untill the following monday (a week and a half) so I thought it would be nice if she could come. Hopefully she will enjoy getting to see her grandbaby while shes still inside of me.