Tuesday, March 17, 2009

crib time

After a weekend in Donnelly with our Sunday school class, and Emma sleeping in the pack and play, I decided we would try her in her crib on Sunday night. I know sometimes the space is a problem for babies when they transition, but she had slept well enough in the pack and play so we tried it.

She did great! She went to sleep just like normal and stayed that way until just after nine am Monday. Last night was her second, and she slept till 1140 this morning! Now I just need to get used to the quiet in our room again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Okay. It is my turn now. I am loosing more and more hair each time I touch my head. I think if I never wash it or style it, or even put it in a pony tail (or maybe I should leave it in a pony tail always?) then this will end.

Kidding, of course. But I suppose it is my turn to feel like I am balding after months of enjoying a clean shower drain. :)

Besides that, I should tell you Emma is doing well. She takes a short nap, long nap, and short nap around eleven, two and seven every day. It has been nice that even Jason has been able to figure out her cry when she is tired. She is waking up in the night again (for about a week now) but I am confident that she is just growing quickly at the moment. Her 3-6 month pants are already getting snug around her belly, and she has only been wearing them for two weeks. (This makes her look silly, because she has short legs already and now in larger pants, her legs disappear completely!)

Also, she doesn't really get a three month birthday, so as of yesterday she was three months, or maybe the 28th, depending on how you look at it. :)

One more thing, this is a little advance notice, but Emma's dedication is the 22nd, during first service at Bethal (9am). I am so excited for all the family that will be with us for her dedication, and anyone else who would like to join us, we would love to have you.