Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 months later

i have slacked. but i feel like you all already know what we have been up to. emma turned one on november 30, we spent thanksgiving in california and had her birthday party there. then christmas was at home for the first time, and we made dinner for jasons grandparents. at emmas 12 mo check up in january (late i know) she had finally grown a little more, only an inch or so, but also gained a couple pounds. in december her hair started to grow too so now shes got a few inches on the top of her head. still not enough to do any thing with though. :)

also in january we found out the baby im growing is a boy! so ive been trying to come up with boy related sewing projects, and so far have made one blanket that i like. i did some tee shirts, but they arent as cute as i wanted.

in february our house enjoyed a stomach flu over valentines weekend. let me tell you, throwing up for 12 hours (starting at 8pm) when youre 6ish months pregnant is NOT fun. i was SO sore, and couldnt move for two days, and miserable. then four weeks later i got another one. jason was grateful that i didnt share that bug with him.

march is over today, so to catch up for this month i can tell you emma introduced us to toddler vomit (sorry this is so vom heavy, but its what weve dealt with the last two motnhs). gross. but all over jason and not me, so whew! i think she just had an upset stomach and was fine the next day for a rip to the zoo with jesse and sarah. the kids had fun and were so good that day. then they ran wild through he cubes in jasons office. it was really funny.
last weekend was the eggstravaganza at church. photos are on facebook if you want to see them. emma was SO cute, and my mostly dead camera battery caught some great shots as i snapped pictures till the camera shut itself off. she likes to pick up the eggs, and was thrilled to find out they open. but being the bad (good) parents we are, jason and i ate her five pieces of candy and didnt give her any. ;) i bought a dozen eggs to let her find in our yard this weekend though.

so tomorrow is april, and in april i turn 25. it is my "magic" birthday, where i turn 25 on the 25th, and im actually kind of looking forward to it. maybe because i didnt get a birthday last year (because it was stolen by flying over time zones, though mrs fenton did have treats for us at tea, and jenn made a cake.) also katie comes to see up tomorrow, for five days and that will be lots of fun. i should become an aunt again in april (seriously sarah, are you going to wait out that week? i dont think so. :) and maybe twice over if the other sara cant hold out for her c section the beginning of may.

i am still growing this baby, for nine and a half more weeks. george is much lower than emma, which is nice for breathing but hasnt caused any differences for indigestion, or heartburn. i do have a lot more heartburn this time (which i wasnt sure was possible) and i have had more throwing up in the later half of this pregnancy too. with emma there was more in the begining but george just made me nauseous. i have also gained considerably less weight this time around. i am up around 20 pounds (18-22 depending on time of day) and only have 2 months left, where as with emma i gained a total of 54 pounds by my due date, and i know 30 of it wasnt in the last couple months. :) so i should be on track to make my goal (which is to gain less than 54 pounds. yes, 53 is considered a success.)

george moves a lot now, strong movements that feel like a stitch in my side and tidal wave movements that make my belly roll like the sea and make me a little sick if i watch him too long. he kicks emma quite a it when i rock her too. i wonder what she thinks it is thats bumping her belly. she will find out soon enough that her little brother is going to get in the way of things she wants to do. at least right now its just her comfort when she gets rocked. :)

so thats what we are up to. oh, and a few other things like the tiling i ripped out of our master shower because of black mold in february thats still taken apart and jasons classes five days a week, on top of working. we are busy. one day soon i hope to shower in my shower, but i guess thats what i get for starting home remodel projects when im seven months pregnant. :)