Tuesday, May 31, 2011

dont use the zed word

emma has been a handful this week. we are working on re-potty training her because suddenly after 3 months, she isnt anymore. its been full of unexpected peeing and pooping in her pull up at sleep times. its stressful.

yesterday was memorial day and jason had the day off work. we had been staying up too late each night this weekend and monday morning we just wanted to sleep a little late. emma came in to chat/jump on the bed/snuggle/wake us every 15 minutes or so, but we stayed in bed. that is, until she came into our room with her hands out, palms up, covered in blood. or what looked very much like blood.

she wasnt crying. she said shed been painting. we were awake, and out of bed in an instant. i carefully washed her hands thinking still that it could be blood, but found nothing. she told me again she had been painting, so i asked her to show me. she took us upstairs and there jason found a bottle of orange fabric dye (rit liquid dye, if youre curious) with the cap smudged. orange on the floor, orange on a paintbrush on the floor, and then we noticed the walls. there were smudge marks going down the stairs... it looked like a little bloody massacre.

everything wiped up easily (and i am SO THANKFUL. also, she didnt get any on the carpet!) it seems she had been painting, and when she got some on her hands, she closed the lid, put everything back and came down stairs so we could clean up her hands. that will teach us to try and sleep in. and to remember to lock the gates!

before falling asleep i asked jason what time he thought zombie emma would come in to get us in the morning. then i mimicked emma walking in the room arms out, palms up covered in blood chanting "da-da... da-da..." in my best zombie baby voice.

Friday, May 6, 2011

my big little girl.

the little girl is growing up so fast.

this morning she is sitting in the living room playing with her little village of people. she just sang jesus loves you to the little girl.

then i overheard the first prayer i have ever heard her say on her own. it went something like this, "dear jesus, be with mommy and daddy and jonah and emma and george. help us get looooots of rest... and be patient."