i did a bit of christmas crocheting this year. (there is more than what is in this post too!) and had a lot of fun. i kept some and gave some away.
the day after christmas i finally had time to make a christmas angel for our tree! we have been married 4 years now, and still didnt have a tree topper. my family has one that my aunt made for us years and years ago, and o love that angel, so i decided to make one up for our family.

her body is made of bernat white baby yarn and red heart white used as one strand together, and her wings are a fluffy fuzzy novelty yarn. her halo has a piece of wire through it that keeps it round, and floating above her little angelic head.
before christmas, jason and i went to an ornament exchange party, and my ornament was this little faceless frosty. he isnt stuffed yet here, and i tied the scarf around his neck after he was stuffed. i liked it better that way. he is about five ish inches tall.

my grandma usually crochets little snowflakes from crochet thread for us each year, and this year (after i saw these patterns from lion brand) i decided to make a snowflake for her. the other ornament is called a "fancy ornament" and turned out okay. they are both MUCH larger than i expected them to be, and maybe would be better in a thin thin yarn with an itsy bitsy hook. but im sending the snowflake to gram anyways.

when i was growing up, we used these hand made stockings that my mom croched for us. mine was a red maryjane with a white stocking. i remember wearing it after i emptied it each year. jasons family uses red felt stockings (also handmade) so i decided i will make one of each for our kids, and we can switch back and forth. this is mine from my childhood.

and here are my brother's stockings. they are soccer cleats. and so so cute. i have the patterns for all these now, my mom brought over the magazine, dated 1977 i think.

before i had the pattern, i started this one for emma. its just a plain stocking, but i think it turned out cute.

and here it is hanging up.

so those were my contributions to christmas related things this year. i am pretty happy with them all.