okay, so theres that.
and its october already. oops.
jasons studying has been going a bit better. there is a study session that he can attend at bsu two nights a week from 7-9, and that has helped. the test if coming up quick, october 30.
i have been busy with kids, and more kids these last few weeks. a basic run down of my week involves church and sometimes nursery duty sunday, afternoon at home during naps, then back to church for refuge with the teens. monday night we have small group at 7, but thats a study night, so i take the kids by myself. tuesdays i am going to bible study at church from 930-1130, and really enjoying that mid week, mid day break from the kids. wednesday and thursdays i have had all four kiddos lately. i tend to keep the boys about 3 days a week on average. (though, its been less the last couple weeks.) and friday jason gets home at a decent time so we eat dinner together and he gets to see emma. im not sure we ever really have a relaxing saturday, because jasons either working, or helping out a friend, or doing some last minute tidying up around here for me.
emma is doing well. growing. not just turning into a little girl, but also growing quite the opinionated attitude. i wish there was a way to do one without the other. she has so many words now, and whole sentences even. and such a good eye. she can spot birds, or puppies, or just about anything from a long way off.
george is also growing. but just longer. :) at his 4 month check up he weighed 13 pounds 13 ounces. and he had grown several inches. he is in the 84th percentile for length, and 27th for weight. and his weight for length? 0.84 percentile. what a skinny little boy i have. he grins, and has a great chuckle. he wakes up in the night again (a new trend i think) but after a couple terrible days (when he just cried in the night) he usually goes right back to sleep after he eats.
so thats what we are up to. growing and learning and playing together. and now the fun part! pictures!
last week i was emptying a box of things from our office and found my old red phone. i had kept it to give it to the kids to play with, so that evening i gave it to emma. how her eyes lit up when i told her it was emmas phone, and that she could push all the buttons. adorable.

a pair of groucho glasses have been floating around since i bought them at the dollar store a couple years ago. the nose came off last year, and just last week they broke for good, but not before emma had a chance to play with them. im not sure if she is groucho, or lady gaga with some serious eyelashes.

and, a very important skill every kid should know. how to swing on your tummy. she loved it.

how could andie and i resist a black and red plaid flannel shirt for george? we just couldnt. he looks like such a cute little lumber jack in it too.

the boys are getting old enough to acknowledge each other. its nice. they still go right for the eyes most of the time, but once in a while one of them will make the other smile.

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