Sunday, May 31, 2009

six months

Emma is six months old now. She laughs and laughs sometimes, and I feel like it makes everything else worth it. I still have baby nightmares, of baby cracking her head open, drowning in the tub, being left in the hot car, and other awful things, but they are starting to go away some. I am hoping that this arbitrary date of six months will help. I still listen for her breathing in the baby monitor at night, even though shes been in her own room since march.

Aunt Doris passed away this weekend, and I think that is what kicked my baby nightmares back up a notch. Think of Kalaya, and Miranda, and Wanita, and all the Brownson girls. Aunt Doris was Kalaya's last grandparent. I cant imagine.


  1. *hugs tight* I hate waking up, drowning in grief, surfacing through the ocean of dream-pain. It is awful. Double and triple hugs for you. x

  2. ((HUGS)) Am praying for your nightmares, as well as peace for your family!
