Wednesday, October 14, 2009

about a baby (and her sibling!)

today is the ultrasound, i am six and a half weeks pregnant. emma and the baby will be almost exactly a year and a half apart. you know that with emma, we tried for two years to get pregnant. because of that, we decided that at the earliest, now would be good, and if it took some time again, then at least we wouldnt have wasted time by waiting quite a while to start trying. i dont know if that is clear or not, but my point was, what a blessing to get those little blue lines the first month that we started trying.

the morning of september 30th, i saw the faintest of lines. i asked jason if there were even really two lines rather than one. today we are praying that everything is okay with the baby in my belly, and that we get a little peek at the munchkin in there.


  1. Looks like your lines were faint because you were early! I'm so excited for you!

  2. I am excited for you too! How awesome! :)
