i went to goodwill, and bought two whiteish very large men's button downs. one long sleeve, one short. i also bought a pair of pleather pants. i did some cutting and then taking apart, then layed all the shirt peices and a few extra strips of white muslin in a sink full of boiling water, coffee grounds, and tea bags for several hours. jasons shirt is in tact, except for the sleeve hems, and i took off the pocket. i cut the neck and sleeves off of mine, and used elastic thread to shirr the neck and arm holes for a little but of a ruffle. the fabric ruffles you see on both shirts are form the sleeves of mine, and the strips of muslin that i cut.
i cut apart the pants, and used the fabric to make my vest, which is pretty true to the pattern except that i took off several inches from each side of the front inorder to leave room for lacing it up rather than buttoning. i used... okay so i cant find the pattern right now, but im pretty sure it was a new look pattern.
both shirts need washed again so really fray up the cut bits, especially jasons sleeves, which were cut after the first washing. they wont look quite so funky after its gone through the wash again.
i should mention, that jason will have a sashy belt type thing, made from scraps of the pleather, and also fake suede that i will have after i make my skirt. its just not made yet.
and here is mine! i havent decided yet of ill let it go off the shoulder, or not. it will fit either way, but i think ill wait to see how it looks with the skirt (which is not made yet.)
i am looking forward to our party, and the fact that i wont have to make costumes for us again! these will just live in the closet for a while. and if im pregnant over halloween again, ive always got my pumpkin sweater. :)

(i was shaped like a pumpkin, so i thought it was fitting. and there is the little monster, as a baby! we matched. :)
That is so awesome! I wish I had your skills!!