emma seeks attention. she has moved on from doing things only to please herself to trying to elicit a response from other people. she grins and makes faces. she pulls her hat down over her eyes then up again to the top of her head. she runs away so you will chase her. she has her very own little sense of humor and will fall over laughing at what i sometimes think is nothing at all. its great.
she also has some more words. i dont remember if these were on the last list or not, but here they are:
thank you
good girl
those are the ones i can remember right now. shes very good at monkey, she points them out to me now like she does with cars. and she loves to tell me she is a good girl, all the time.
and then theres the belly. george likes to be awake at night. i should stop drinking caffeine sooner in the day, that would probably make a big difference. when i lay down to go to sleep he starts break dancing in there. my belly rumbles and shakes. i was crocheting in bed last night while jason worked on some homework and i couldnt keep my arm still because george kept bumping it.
there are things i cannot do any more because of the belly. for example, when was the last time you used a public restroom? you know, the kind with the door that swings in towards the potty, and its just you and the potty and the coat hook on the door in there? if i go in, i have to pretty much straddle the potty to get the belly far enough inside to shut the door. i know those arent the roomiest places anyways, but a girl should be able to open and close the door! also, sitting on a low couch. i was at the m yesterday with heidi and we sat on one of the couches out front. when i got down there, i told her, i feel like a beach ball. i had to use momentum to roll forwards each time i needed to reach for something or stand up. and then theres the real trouble, the lack of lap. in order to type this, i am sitting on my couch, a pillow behind me to prevent the beach ball effect, and my knees bent and legs tucked to the side under me. this elevates my legs (because they are now stacked on each other) so that my "lap" is brought up to the level of the belly, and i now have a place for the lap top. if i were to sit normal, i would have to stretch my arms out almost straight and around the belly to reach the keys and type. and at the same time, hold the compy so it didnt fall backwards off of my knees because there is just a little lap thats not being used to hold up the belly.
so those are things i miss. turning around in a bathroom stall, sitting on whatever piece of furniture i choose, and holding my computer (plate, cup, child) on my actual lap.
34 weeks, 2 days, and george has 19 days of security left before i start wishing for his early arrival.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
when i was pregnant with emma (here we go comparing children before theyre even BORN, guh. :) i started having contractions around 35 weeks. in the last 3 weeks before she was born, i had fairly regular (2.5-5 minutes apart) contractions, and had to just DEAL with it. i was miserable.
i saw dr anstine yesterday for my 33 week check up. mattie asked if i had been having any contractions and it just so happens that for the last couple weeks i had noticed a few more than usual, and just that morning i had a bunch whole i was making breakfast. so dr anstine checked my cervix and said she cant quite touch the baby, but that it is very soft, and to take it easy for at least the next week. i am supposed to go to the hospital if i have more than 5 in an hour, and pay very close attention to how i am feeling all the time.
i am feeling very uncomfortable all the time. bending over causes contractions. the need to pee causes contractions. walking causes contractions. and george (i know youre listening buddy) is HUGE. i have been measuring 2 weeks ahead for the last month plus.
so no we wait, and pay close attention, and i sit like a lump for at least the next week (to get past the 34 week mark on monday) an i see dr anstine again on jasons birthday, may 6.
i saw dr anstine yesterday for my 33 week check up. mattie asked if i had been having any contractions and it just so happens that for the last couple weeks i had noticed a few more than usual, and just that morning i had a bunch whole i was making breakfast. so dr anstine checked my cervix and said she cant quite touch the baby, but that it is very soft, and to take it easy for at least the next week. i am supposed to go to the hospital if i have more than 5 in an hour, and pay very close attention to how i am feeling all the time.
i am feeling very uncomfortable all the time. bending over causes contractions. the need to pee causes contractions. walking causes contractions. and george (i know youre listening buddy) is HUGE. i have been measuring 2 weeks ahead for the last month plus.
so no we wait, and pay close attention, and i sit like a lump for at least the next week (to get past the 34 week mark on monday) an i see dr anstine again on jasons birthday, may 6.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
ive been crocheting. a lot. :)
after i made emmas sweater i started looking for patterns that would make it easier. (what a good idea eh? should have done it the first time...) well, then i found several on ravelry that were cute, and one that linked to this pattern. its super simple and comes together REALLY quick. and bonus? you only have to count stitches for the first two rows really. then you just count rows. and how i hate counting stitches so that sounded great to me.
i started out following the pattern almost exactly the first time (with color changes, because i only had a little of each color of yarn) to make a sweater for george. im not sure if i ended up making it the same length as the pattern or now, i dont remember now, but otherwise, it is just as the instructions say and so cute! (and he has shoes to match! :)

i dont know what i will do for a closure, or if i will do anything, for now its finished and just waiting for this pill bug to be born so he can wear it.

and see? shoes to match. they are from this pattern on ravelry. i loved them so much i bought the pattern (and i kind of dislike buying crochet patterns when i think i could maybe figure it out on my own, but i went ahead and got this one.) i think they are adorable. he has another pair in blues too.

so then i decided to get out my new skein of yarn and make emmas shrug. i wanted a little bright cap sleeve sweater for her to wear in the summer when it gets cooler at night, or just to be cute but not too hot during the day. the colors match a little skirt andie bought for her just perfect, i love it.

i did the third row in triple crochet so that i can either lace a ribbon through the stitches all the way around for a tie, or just attach it and tie in the front. and even without any closure, i think that row makes it look more finished. i havent tried it on her yet, so im not sure my pattern adjustments will make it fit or not, but i did size it against her jacket, so it should be alright.

i have been trying to keep things posted on ravelry as i get them finished, so you can check them out there too. you can find emmas summer cardi, georges sweater, and emmas new shrug all there.
i started out following the pattern almost exactly the first time (with color changes, because i only had a little of each color of yarn) to make a sweater for george. im not sure if i ended up making it the same length as the pattern or now, i dont remember now, but otherwise, it is just as the instructions say and so cute! (and he has shoes to match! :)

i dont know what i will do for a closure, or if i will do anything, for now its finished and just waiting for this pill bug to be born so he can wear it.

and see? shoes to match. they are from this pattern on ravelry. i loved them so much i bought the pattern (and i kind of dislike buying crochet patterns when i think i could maybe figure it out on my own, but i went ahead and got this one.) i think they are adorable. he has another pair in blues too.

so then i decided to get out my new skein of yarn and make emmas shrug. i wanted a little bright cap sleeve sweater for her to wear in the summer when it gets cooler at night, or just to be cute but not too hot during the day. the colors match a little skirt andie bought for her just perfect, i love it.

i did the third row in triple crochet so that i can either lace a ribbon through the stitches all the way around for a tie, or just attach it and tie in the front. and even without any closure, i think that row makes it look more finished. i havent tried it on her yet, so im not sure my pattern adjustments will make it fit or not, but i did size it against her jacket, so it should be alright.

i have been trying to keep things posted on ravelry as i get them finished, so you can check them out there too. you can find emmas summer cardi, georges sweater, and emmas new shrug all there.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
easter type things
part of emmas easter basket was a set of easter jammies. i dont have a great picture of them, but i do have one of her being quite cute easter morning while wearing them. the top is long, with three snaps to the waist, and there are bloomers that go underneath. super cute, and i love the birdie fabric. since bird is one of her favorite words right now, id say she likes them too.

for sunday morning i made us matching dresses. i needed this dress in a larger size (it is the pink dress, one size up to accommodate the belly) so that i have something to wear for sunny days, sundays, and a wedding in may while i am still hugely pregnant. the pink one is a little snug on the top of the belly, so enter the blue/green dress.
emmas is another favorite pattern of mine, this time without the waist tie and with little cap sleeves. i added pleats in her skirt to match mine, and a pleated ruffle at the bottom just for fun. the white fabric i had turned out to be a little thin, so after i had finished the dress i ripped the seam at the bodice lining and tucked in a gathered underskirt. i think it turned out really cute, and is one of my new favorites. im also a lot less afraid of sleeves on baby dresses, so thats good.
ps, doesnt jason make a handsome bunny? :)

for sunday morning i made us matching dresses. i needed this dress in a larger size (it is the pink dress, one size up to accommodate the belly) so that i have something to wear for sunny days, sundays, and a wedding in may while i am still hugely pregnant. the pink one is a little snug on the top of the belly, so enter the blue/green dress.
emmas is another favorite pattern of mine, this time without the waist tie and with little cap sleeves. i added pleats in her skirt to match mine, and a pleated ruffle at the bottom just for fun. the white fabric i had turned out to be a little thin, so after i had finished the dress i ripped the seam at the bodice lining and tucked in a gathered underskirt. i think it turned out really cute, and is one of my new favorites. im also a lot less afraid of sleeves on baby dresses, so thats good.
ps, doesnt jason make a handsome bunny? :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
emmas summer cardi
i wanted a light summer sweater for emma to wear while it starts to warm up in the day, but is still a little cool out, but i couldnt fine one i liked (or didnt like really. i just couldnt find one!) so yesterday i sat down with a hooded fleece vest of hers andmade up a crochet pattern for a little cap sleeve cardi and I LOVE IT. really. i am so happy with how it turned out, i want to make her another.

so i wrote out the pattern. (this is the first time ive ever written a pattern for anything, so if you try it, please let me know how it goes, and if you have a problem with it, let me know that too.) emmas sweater has a ruffled collar and little window holes at the edges that i didnt write into the pattern. i included a brief explanation of it at the bottom in "alterations" but just wrote the pattern out so the sweater is completed in just hdc and a sc or sl st here or there. and here it is!
Emmas summer cardi
Size 12 mo
hook size H
pieces are worked from the bottom up, turning at the end of each row.
Row 1 ch 44
R2 turn and hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each st after (42 hdc at the end of R2) ch2, turn
R3 hdc in each of 42 st, ch 2, turn
R4- R13 repeat R3
R14 hdc in each of the next 9 st, hdc2tog 12 times, hdc in last 9 st, ch 2, turn
R15 hdc2tog 2 times, hdc in each of next 22 st, hdc2tog 2 times, ch 2, turn
R16 hdc in each st, (26 hdc at end of R16) ch 2, turn
R17 hdc2tog, hdc in each of next 22 st, hdc2tog, ch 2, turn
R18 hdc in each of 24 st, ch 2, turn
R19- R23 repeat R18
Finish off
Front (right and left, make one with alternate rows 15 and 17)
R1 ch 23
R2 hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each ch after (21 hdc a end of R2) ch 2, turn
R3 hdc in each of 21 st, ch 2, turn
R4-R13 repeat R3
R14 hdc in each of next 5 st, hdc2tog 6 times, hdc in each of next 4 st, ch 2, turn
R15 hdc2tog 2 times, hdc in each of next 11 st, ch 2, turn
(for opposite front piece, R15 hdc in first 11 st, hdc2tog 2 times, ch 2, turn)
R16 hdc in each st (13 hdc at end of R16) ch 2, turn
R17 hdc2tog, hdc in each of next 11 st, ch 2, turn
(for opposite front piece, R17 hdc in first 11 st, hdc2tog, ch 2, turn)
R18 hdc in each of 12 st, ch 2, turn
R19-R23 repeat R18
Finish off
Sleeves make 2
R1 ch 29
R2 hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each ch after (27 hdc at end of R2) ch 2, turn
R3 hdc in each of 27 st, ch 2, turn
R4 hdc in each of 27 st, ch 1, turn
R5 sl st in each of next 3 st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 19 st, sc in next st, ch1, turn
R6 sl st in next st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 17 st, sc in next st, ch 1, turn
R7 sl st in next st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 15 st, sc in next st, ch 1, turn
R8 sl st in next st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 13 st, sc in next st, finish off
Finishing off
Slip stitch front and back together at shoulders, outer shoulder towards neck opening, 6 stitches. Leave remaining stitches open.
Slip stitch side seams from armholes to bottom on each side
Slip stitch bottom sleeve (rows 1-4) together on both sleeves
Set in sleeve by turning sleeve right side out, and placing it inside the wrong side out sweater. Slip stitch together. Do this for both.
Finish off the edges of the sweater by adding a row of hdc around the entire piece, bottom, front and neck, use three hdc in each of the corner stitches so the piece lays flat.
Add a row of holes by exchanging one row of hdc for a row of 4hdc, ch2, sk 2 and hdc in next st… for one row then add another row of hdc on top.

so i wrote out the pattern. (this is the first time ive ever written a pattern for anything, so if you try it, please let me know how it goes, and if you have a problem with it, let me know that too.) emmas sweater has a ruffled collar and little window holes at the edges that i didnt write into the pattern. i included a brief explanation of it at the bottom in "alterations" but just wrote the pattern out so the sweater is completed in just hdc and a sc or sl st here or there. and here it is!
Emmas summer cardi
Size 12 mo
hook size H
pieces are worked from the bottom up, turning at the end of each row.
Row 1 ch 44
R2 turn and hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each st after (42 hdc at the end of R2) ch2, turn
R3 hdc in each of 42 st, ch 2, turn
R4- R13 repeat R3
R14 hdc in each of the next 9 st, hdc2tog 12 times, hdc in last 9 st, ch 2, turn
R15 hdc2tog 2 times, hdc in each of next 22 st, hdc2tog 2 times, ch 2, turn
R16 hdc in each st, (26 hdc at end of R16) ch 2, turn
R17 hdc2tog, hdc in each of next 22 st, hdc2tog, ch 2, turn
R18 hdc in each of 24 st, ch 2, turn
R19- R23 repeat R18
Finish off
Front (right and left, make one with alternate rows 15 and 17)
R1 ch 23
R2 hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each ch after (21 hdc a end of R2) ch 2, turn
R3 hdc in each of 21 st, ch 2, turn
R4-R13 repeat R3
R14 hdc in each of next 5 st, hdc2tog 6 times, hdc in each of next 4 st, ch 2, turn
R15 hdc2tog 2 times, hdc in each of next 11 st, ch 2, turn
(for opposite front piece, R15 hdc in first 11 st, hdc2tog 2 times, ch 2, turn)
R16 hdc in each st (13 hdc at end of R16) ch 2, turn
R17 hdc2tog, hdc in each of next 11 st, ch 2, turn
(for opposite front piece, R17 hdc in first 11 st, hdc2tog, ch 2, turn)
R18 hdc in each of 12 st, ch 2, turn
R19-R23 repeat R18
Finish off
Sleeves make 2
R1 ch 29
R2 hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each ch after (27 hdc at end of R2) ch 2, turn
R3 hdc in each of 27 st, ch 2, turn
R4 hdc in each of 27 st, ch 1, turn
R5 sl st in each of next 3 st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 19 st, sc in next st, ch1, turn
R6 sl st in next st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 17 st, sc in next st, ch 1, turn
R7 sl st in next st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 15 st, sc in next st, ch 1, turn
R8 sl st in next st, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 13 st, sc in next st, finish off
Finishing off
Slip stitch front and back together at shoulders, outer shoulder towards neck opening, 6 stitches. Leave remaining stitches open.
Slip stitch side seams from armholes to bottom on each side
Slip stitch bottom sleeve (rows 1-4) together on both sleeves
Set in sleeve by turning sleeve right side out, and placing it inside the wrong side out sweater. Slip stitch together. Do this for both.
Finish off the edges of the sweater by adding a row of hdc around the entire piece, bottom, front and neck, use three hdc in each of the corner stitches so the piece lays flat.
Add a row of holes by exchanging one row of hdc for a row of 4hdc, ch2, sk 2 and hdc in next st… for one row then add another row of hdc on top.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
emmas words and georges wiggles
emma has lots of words now, even though jason thinks she only has five. so ive decided to make a list and show him shes got a whole lot more.
jesse jay
daddy/ dada
os (short for cheerios)
okay, thats all i can think of right now, but thats a lot of words for my little one!
on to george. he moves. i think he is going to be born with little tiny biceps and look like a little body builder at the this rate. my tummy shakes and rolls and once in a while he gets me right in the side and i cant help but say ouch out loud. nine more weeks of this rumbling nonsense and he will be able to shake those little fists on the outside.
spring break is over, and jason has homework that hes been procrastinating to get done in the next two days. but in his usual fashion he has decided he doesnt want to do it, and is instead working on my shower! :) yay! (i would rather he work on the shower than the homework for purely selfish reasons. i want my shower back!)
i have been pretty lazy this week, i have laundry that really needs folded, but has instead been ignored so i could make easter dresses for emma and i to wear to church this morning. they turned out very cute, and katie took family pictures for us so ill get one up here or over at the other blog.
have a happy easter everyone.
jesse jay
daddy/ dada
os (short for cheerios)
okay, thats all i can think of right now, but thats a lot of words for my little one!
on to george. he moves. i think he is going to be born with little tiny biceps and look like a little body builder at the this rate. my tummy shakes and rolls and once in a while he gets me right in the side and i cant help but say ouch out loud. nine more weeks of this rumbling nonsense and he will be able to shake those little fists on the outside.
spring break is over, and jason has homework that hes been procrastinating to get done in the next two days. but in his usual fashion he has decided he doesnt want to do it, and is instead working on my shower! :) yay! (i would rather he work on the shower than the homework for purely selfish reasons. i want my shower back!)
i have been pretty lazy this week, i have laundry that really needs folded, but has instead been ignored so i could make easter dresses for emma and i to wear to church this morning. they turned out very cute, and katie took family pictures for us so ill get one up here or over at the other blog.
have a happy easter everyone.
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