i started out following the pattern almost exactly the first time (with color changes, because i only had a little of each color of yarn) to make a sweater for george. im not sure if i ended up making it the same length as the pattern or now, i dont remember now, but otherwise, it is just as the instructions say and so cute! (and he has shoes to match! :)

i dont know what i will do for a closure, or if i will do anything, for now its finished and just waiting for this pill bug to be born so he can wear it.

and see? shoes to match. they are from this pattern on ravelry. i loved them so much i bought the pattern (and i kind of dislike buying crochet patterns when i think i could maybe figure it out on my own, but i went ahead and got this one.) i think they are adorable. he has another pair in blues too.

so then i decided to get out my new skein of yarn and make emmas shrug. i wanted a little bright cap sleeve sweater for her to wear in the summer when it gets cooler at night, or just to be cute but not too hot during the day. the colors match a little skirt andie bought for her just perfect, i love it.

i did the third row in triple crochet so that i can either lace a ribbon through the stitches all the way around for a tie, or just attach it and tie in the front. and even without any closure, i think that row makes it look more finished. i havent tried it on her yet, so im not sure my pattern adjustments will make it fit or not, but i did size it against her jacket, so it should be alright.

i have been trying to keep things posted on ravelry as i get them finished, so you can check them out there too. you can find emmas summer cardi, georges sweater, and emmas new shrug all there.
I like illustration number 3. it's awesome. I love crocheting very much. Other designs that you have are having very nice color combinations You're amazing.