Wednesday, April 21, 2010


when i was pregnant with emma (here we go comparing children before theyre even BORN, guh. :) i started having contractions around 35 weeks. in the last 3 weeks before she was born, i had fairly regular (2.5-5 minutes apart) contractions, and had to just DEAL with it. i was miserable.

i saw dr anstine yesterday for my 33 week check up. mattie asked if i had been having any contractions and it just so happens that for the last couple weeks i had noticed a few more than usual, and just that morning i had a bunch whole i was making breakfast. so dr anstine checked my cervix and said she cant quite touch the baby, but that it is very soft, and to take it easy for at least the next week. i am supposed to go to the hospital if i have more than 5 in an hour, and pay very close attention to how i am feeling all the time.

i am feeling very uncomfortable all the time. bending over causes contractions. the need to pee causes contractions. walking causes contractions. and george (i know youre listening buddy) is HUGE. i have been measuring 2 weeks ahead for the last month plus.

so no we wait, and pay close attention, and i sit like a lump for at least the next week (to get past the 34 week mark on monday) an i see dr anstine again on jasons birthday, may 6.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Well I will call you a lot so you can have nothing to do and still be occupied :)
