Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This will be short, because I am cold, a little tired, and determined to start going to bed earlier. Also, because I think going to bed earlier will help.

See, I have this problem, my milk supply is not keeping up with Emma's demands. I have had to supplement her every day this week. I am still taking my Fenugreek, drinking water (though I will start drinking more), eating a lot, and nursing on demand, but she stays fussy because she is still hungry. She took nearly eight ounces from Jason last night while I was at the gym.

So pray for us, that I can figure out what is best to make sure Emma's tummy is full.


  1. Can she eat rice cereals? I know she is a bit young but is she ready for grown up foods yet? I am thinking of sending you my ten million mashed this and mashed that recipes. :)

  2. Don't give up! You probably know all this, but let her nurse as much as she will, and if she takes a bottle after anyway, pump, pump, pump!!! The more you supplement, the more Emma will give up easily, and the less milk your body will try to make. I'm so sorry you're going through all this! Just keep at it!

  3. Especially be sure not to give her a bottle until after she nurses. Otherwise, your milk supply will decrease instead of increasing.
