Friday, February 13, 2009


Emma's had a rough night. Shes done this a couple of times now, where she sleeps peacefully then wakes with screaming for no reason. I think that she may be having bad dreams, because it happens several times in the same night, but weeks apart.
That said, I am tired today. Andie is on her way this afternoon to stay the weekend, it will be nice to have her here but I hope I can get a nap before she arrives.

My point: please pray for Emma, and whatever is bothering her. I don't like her to seem so scared.


  1. Okay according to my Googling that seems a common issue. I think the method is right - cuddling Emma until she is calm. Someone on the forums mentioned that babies can't have nightmares until they are 18 months old but other mums seemed to disagree - lots of stories about "my baby has woken up scared in the night since he was 9 weeks old" etc etc. It could be she just feels separation from you, so maybe wrapping her up in a tshirt or a stuffed toy you've slept with and smells like you might soothe her.

    Okay Aunty Google is done. :) Give her extra kisses from me?

  2. it sounds like she's having "night terrors", where the brain misfires during deep sleep (not REM sleep)and it's kinda like the worst nightmare ever. i remember learning about it in psychology, but I don't know if it happens to babies. poor little thing. I have these occasionally, and they are terrible. (((hugs)))
