Tuesday, February 3, 2009

kid friendly

Emma has found her hand, and learned to suck to sooth herself. She has started reaching for toys, and a couple times has tried to get them to her mouth. She doesn't mind tummy time if she can watch her mobile spin and is propped up on her baby boppy.

But her best trick so far is falling asleep. When she gets tired, I can lay her down, and she goes to sleep on her own in a few minutes. It is wonderful.

We are both recovering from our colds, and feeling much better. Emma still has off days when she just wants to fuss, but they are getting farther apart. Jason and I had small group last night, and there are nine kids between the five couples. Emma started her usual fussing because it was evening and loud, and once I got her clam and falling asleep I sat and noticed that all the kids were a little more wild than normal and it was wonderful. Emma is the youngest of the babies by just three weeks, there are three all just a few weeks apart. I am terrible at making friends and very quiet, but I really enjoy our group.

All that to say that things are becoming easier every day. My new goal is to start baby proofing my house, because I know it will take me several months to get it done, and I want to feel comfortable having people over with their kids. When I'm finished, it will probably be warm outside so maybe we can have a bbq with the babies to celebrate. :)


  1. ugh..you just reminded me that i have to make some kind of bumper pads for the bird cages to cover the sharp edges of the seed guards. i hate making things that i know the birds will just chew up anyway and will have to be replaced right away. maybe i could just keep rosie in a box?...jk
