Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hello footie pajamas.

Hello mash box set.

Hello sleepless night.


Today was a good, long day. My good, long day has now decided not to end. At ten thirty Jason was ready for bed, and by eleven I was in bed too. The problem is that I'm just not tired. After my first attempt at letting Aunty Google sing me to sleep I tried to sleep for another half hour. Then a long hot uninterrupted shower, followed by footie pajamas, and M*A*S*H season 7 disk 3 on Play All. I have a baby blanket to finish, and Alan Alda to keep me company. Hopefully I wont be paying for this tomorrow.


  1. I just got home. If I'd known you were up I would have called you and had a big cry. I feel so exhausted. I have washed at least forty thousand teacups. And I am still the worst daughter in law ever. And Robyn thinks I don't love her. (What? No! I do, she is just a robot!) And there are dishes to do and I am too tired so I am going to lay on the bathroom floor and cry for a little while. I miss you. (And your dishwasher.) xx

  2. semi-crazy blonde girlApril 11, 2009 at 3:44 PM

    I have had nights like that. Did you get your baby blanket finished?

  3. i did. it was the last thing i did before i went to bed at five thirty. i slept about four hours, and am doing surprisingly well considering. (i need about nine hours of sleep to be functional most days.)
