yesterday was eventful. thinking about it makes me sleepy. i had an ob appointment at 950, with dr mcquillian because anstine is on vacation this week. i took emma along in the umbrella stroller because she had a fever the night before and a weird sounding cough that i didnt want her to share with jesse jay and toby.
i woke up around three with a back ache, and by six i was having pretty regular contractions. they dwindled a little during breakfast, but as i drove in to my appointment they were back. but i didnt think they were enough to consider skipping the appointment for labor and delivery triage instead.
my appointment went great. emma stared at everyone, and mcquillian was very nice (and young!) and when she checked my cervix for progress, she found some. anstine had written down that i was a one plus a little. yesterday i was at a three, maybe four. thats pretty good progress for a week, and quite good considering with emma i was a three at 38 weeks (after 3 weeks of contractions already). but it also made her nervous because emma came so fast, she wanted me to go to l and d and be monitored for a while to see if i was actually in labor.
i went to jasons office and waited for jesse to come get emma from us (so she ended up sharing germs anyways. sorry guys.) then headed to l and d. for the first few minutes we were on the monitor, george did nothing. no contractions. then they started to get a little more regular but still nothing compared to what they had been earlier in the morning. after about half an hour, our nurse figured out that i was not at 37 weeks yet (only 36,3 days) and had to call to ask what to do. they arent allowed to encourage labor before i hit full term (on monday). so i walked the halls for half an hour instead of the usual hour, then sat on the monitor again for a few minutes. i had several strong contractions walking, and once i was back in bed, and when the nurse checked my cervix again she said i was definitely at a four, and she could easily stretch her fingers to five. so, progress.
she called dr mcquillian, because it was her choice to send me over, i was her patient until i delivered or was sent home, and she made the decision to send me home. she decided that it wasnt enough change and the give me strict instructions about coming back should things progress later.
i went to lunch with jason (i was starving) then sat at his office and wrote a letter then took a little nap on the love seat in the ladies bathroom waiting for the contractions to go away or get stronger. they did neither, and at 5 i decided i had better rescue jesse and sarah from emma they baby tyrant.
at home i had a bath, and took some tylenol for the acheyness and my swollen foot and slept. this morning i have had three or four contractions, but nothing regular. what i do have is a great big back ache from all of them yesterday. so thats the story so far. george is early, yes, but while i was in the tub last night, i could see him practice breathing through my belly. it was the oddest and coolest thing so far in this pregnancy. i know he is getting his little lungs ready, and i just dont feel worried about him coming before his due date. i have an assurance that he will be just fine.
so now we wait. i pick up business as usual and wait. the lawn needs mowed, maybe i can get someone to start the mower for me and i can get that done.