i made emma a new sheet for her bed, and a changing pad cover, and a tiny little pillow to match

georges blue blanket is finally finished, so now he has one in blues and one in greens

this is humphrey 2.0, jason got the original humphrey as a gift from his grandma, who had purchased him from a craft fair when he was in gradeschool. humphrey is missing and eye, and has holes all over the place. he is also very very flat now. so for jasons birthday this year (he is 30!) i decided to make him a new humphrey. i traced out the original and figured out all the pattern pieces then sewed him up a couple days before his birthday. and jason loved him. :)
his little nose is my favorite part i think. oh, and humphrey is big, he is about the length of a crib mattress.

and i made a cover for georges car seat. the kid requires so much from me and he isnt even here yet. sheesh. but how great does this look, right? and before you worry about safety issues, it is just a thin layer of cotton, stretched over the original car seat, with all the buckle holes in the exact same places. and the sunshade has the same hardware to attach it, i just used different boning so i wouldnt have to dismantle the original. now you can admire it without safety concerns. i love the way the applique came out on the sun shade, and the corvette symbol on the top of the seat.

Not a safety concern, just a gentle warning. Any after-market cover voids your warranty, and if anything were to happen, insurance wouldn't cover anything either. So cute, thought!