I have never had the hic ups this often. Ever. Until now. :)
It is beautiful outside. I spent yesterday feeling productive, mowing the lawns, watering the brand new roses, and running errands for Jason. And getting a pretty pink sunburn and some new bikini tan lines. I am feeling better this weekend. Still allergy ridden with the sneezing, runny rose, and itchy eyes, but its been three days since I last threw up. And this is the second morning that I have not felt nauseous (and its after eleven already!) So, great weather, some energy, no need to vomit in the near future, my life is looking up.
It is beautiful outside. I spent yesterday feeling productive, mowing the lawns, watering the brand new roses, and running errands for Jason. And getting a pretty pink sunburn and some new bikini tan lines. I am feeling better this weekend. Still allergy ridden with the sneezing, runny rose, and itchy eyes, but its been three days since I last threw up. And this is the second morning that I have not felt nauseous (and its after eleven already!) So, great weather, some energy, no need to vomit in the near future, my life is looking up.
Which explains the change in colors. I wanted something that made me feel happy- and I think I found it. :)
Also, while I'm here, I should let you know I think I'm going to buy a crib. I found one, with a
matching changing table at Target for 330 for the set! I've done a bit of looking around, and I think it will be worth the saved effort of sanding and repainting of the one I have. And because its an older style, I wouldn't be able to find a changing table to match. I am not set on it yet, but I am pretty sure that's what I will do. Andy mentioned she wanted to get the crib or changing table for me, so maybe I will have
her look at them too and see what she thinks. :)

11:19, and I am going to take Jack to the lake. its been so nice out, and he hasn't been for a swim yet this year. Jason's taking my car to work in Boise every day, so I have the truck for him to get all wet in too! (Heather was right, I do feel like a different person, just because I feel better! Its great!)
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