Thursday, May 29, 2008

two months!

So this really doesn't have anything to do with baby, except that I won't be able to talk about baby online for at least two months because Qwest doesn't have internet in our new subdivision yet! Boo! :(

I am dealing with this fairly well, except that today is the frist day I have been online in a week, and I feel So out of the loop. I think I will be regularly visiting the M for a while in order to catch up!

Now something baby relevent. I had another Dr appt on tuesday, thirteen weeks, four days. Baby's heart rate was 160, 16 lower than last time, but baby is also not working quite as hard to grow as last time. Crossing fingers for a girl still, though I see someone out there thinks I will be putting all those boy clothes to use. :) We will see. Everything else looks good. I am gaining weaight just fine, not too much, I just carry it all in the front so I look a lot more pregnant than I really am.

We are going to guatemala before my next appointment, so instead of geting in the 25th, it will be July 1st. that would make my ultrasound at around 23 weeks, so I am going to ask that they bump up the July appointment to get us back on scedule so it will only be a little over 21 weeks when we find out. I cant wait that long! It's too bad I couldnt just know now!

Did I say this already? We are moved. Everything out of the old house is moved into the new house, in a box. Or bag. Or just scattered all over the floor. (It's scary.) The house makes weird noises and doesnt have any window coverings yet. And I'm afraid of the master closet. (At night, it looks REALLY scary. I cant go to the bathroom if the closet door is open.)

Jack is getting used to the back yard too. And to getting into trouble again. He has been so good for so long, I knew it wouldnt last. His first night I got him a new toy to keep him entertained, but it only lasted two nights. For the last two nights he has been a terror. We have two trees, the garden, a row of strawberries, and six rosebushes back there that he had left alone for a long time, untill two nights ago. the Gala apple tree (which has higher branches than the Fugi) was attacked first. he ripped down one of its largest branches, along with six or seven others. We are trying to graft it back in, and save the life of the tree (which cost us seventy dollars, and we need it to pollenate the Fugi). Then last night, he ripped out two rose bushes (that are already struggling because we recieved them bare root). Jason planted the bushes again this morning, and tonight I am giving them a good dose of vitamin B1. Jack spent the rest of the morning, and day, tied up on a fairly short leash, away from everything. When I went out to feed him breakfast late this morning, I noticed that he had ripped another branch off the tree that Jason had missed earlier in the morning, stripping more bark. I have that one in water, waiting to be grafted back in this evening, and we will give the tree another dose of B1 and pray it lives.

So those are my struggles right now. I know he wants to be a good dog. He has been fetching so well this week, and listening when we tell him things. If I say rope, he brings the rope. Or tug, and he tugs with me. He finds his ball, and sits when he's supposed to sit... but he's been so destructive again! Ripping up the tree two days in a row, and pulling out those rose bushes. I dont even know how he got his mouth around them. Ouch!

I will let you know again how things are before Guatemala. I have my last immunization tomorrow morning with Jason, and my anti-malarial drugs are waiting for me to pick up at walmart. By the time I get back, I should be feeling the baby move!

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