Sunday, August 10, 2008

kicking and vomit

Not mine.

Last night, Jason finally felt Emma move. we were watching the Kill Bills and she likes music, so by the second movie, she was kicking a lot and I asked Jason if he wanted to try and feel again. I had him put both hands on my tummy, and it just took a second and she kicked him really hard. It was fun to see his eyes light up just for a second and several more times last night he got to feel her move.

We got a puppy today. Jack was easy. Mellow, and easy. Elisabeth (is what jasons calling her for now, Im not sure it fits) threw up on me in the truck on the way home. Im glad it was in the truck, but I am going to be cleaning it for weeks to get rid of the smell, and ew. Right now she is tied up in the back, because she is small enough to fit under parts of the fence. She hates being tied up, and is a bit more high matinance than Jack, but is cute, and I think she will grow into it.

But, I had better go rescue her for a while, before we leave her by herself while we are at church tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I told you it wouldn't be long before Jason felt her! How fun!!
    And, what kind of puppy???
