Friday, October 3, 2008

thirty two weeks

So, I had a doctors appointment yesterday. It was actually pretty lame, I drove into Boise for a thirteen minute appointment with Jill Tracy. Those thirteen minutes included peeing, and waiting in the lobby.

I was weighed (I am up four more pounds in the last two weeks) and that still looks pretty good. Then my blood presure was checked, it is staying right where it is supposed to. I measured a little big, but she was measuring me at thrity two weeks, thinking it was closer to thirty one. Emma's heart rate was right at 150 bpm, she held still just long enough to get all my tummy stuff over then started her wiggling again.

Jill asked about my back pain, I told her it is feeling a bit better. I told her that the only change for me this week is that my colostrum came in on Tuesday, and she didnt really seem to care. It was a little traumatic for me, considering that I still have eight weeks to go I didnt expect it quite this soon. I have started taking my iron, and will probably have another blood test in two or three weeks to make sure it is working.

I have one more appointment with Jill, then I start seeing doctors and will know if I am progressing at all.

1 comment:

  1. semi-crazy blonde girlOctober 4, 2008 at 12:42 AM

    It's so late! You should sleep... :)
