Wednesday, January 21, 2009

bragging and begging

I have to tell someone other than Jason (who doesnt care, because he sleeps either way) about how Emma has been sleeping. The last four nights, she slept 7 1/2, 7 1/2, 9 1/2, and 9 hours last night. I am SO proud of her. She falls asleep around 930 to 1030 after eating, and usually wakes for a minute or two after I lay her down, then goes right back to sleep and I dont hear her again for hours! I dont know if it will last, but she is sleeping SO well this week.

Now, for the question portion of todays blog...
I got Emma to drink from a bottle the very first try a week or two ago, and I havent been able to get her to do it again since then. Also, I cant get her to take a pacifier. If shes in a pretty good mood, she will chew it if I hold it in her mouth, but it will fall out as soon as I let go, and she wont suck it.
Any ideas on how I can get her to take these things?


  1. semi-crazy blonde girlJanuary 21, 2009 at 2:09 PM

    You can try different styles of nipples... sometimes babies like some better than others. Some kids like the orthodontic ones better than the round ones. Nuk is a good brand by Gerber. They have a little vent in the top that helps with sucking...

  2. Some babies just don't need a pacifier. She will probably find some other way to pacify herself if she doesn't use one.
