Friday, June 12, 2009

things you dont really want to know but i am going to write about anyway, or, tmi facebook status updates

Sarah does not like other peoples children.

Sarah is easily irritated by family members. (Mine and his.)

Sarah cannot go out in public with her child. If she does, EVERYONE wants to talk to Emma, and Sarah cant get anything done. Yes, Emma is beautiful, and perfect, but please, LEAVE HER ALONE.

Sarah now has contraceptive.

Sarah is a real girl, with a real period, and a real desire to hide under a cool comforter this weekend rather than travel to mccall to spent an entire weekend (even sleeping) with Jason's extended family.

Sarah dreads staying in one room with five bunk beds and Jason, Larry, Andie, Sara, Joshua, Makayla, and Emma. Please shoot her now.

Sarah is kind, loving, and patient. Even when she doesnt want to be.

Sarah does not ever want to take group pictures of the children again. Ever.

Sarah needs to shower, and should do that before Emma wakes up and Jason gets home.

Sarah forgot the brand name of the tampons that she has purchased since she was eleven, because it has been two years since she bought any.


  1. :( Poor Sarah. Krista sympathizes to an extreme extent.

  2. Tampax. At least, that is what we had in the tampon cupboard in the tower.

    Also I am going straight out and buying you a mocha and drinking it for you.
