Also, Jasons company is selling (for reals this time) on August 14th. That means our insurance changes that day too, so I have packed in all my dental and vision appointments in the weeks before then. I had a cleaning last Thursday, then an eye exam this morning and a consult about my wisdom teeth this afternoon. On Monday I go back to the oral surgeon to have my teeth removed and then on the 13th I have a filling to get. We have such great insurance, I had forgotten how good it was until I realized that soon it was going away! I ordered new glasses (for the first time in nine years) and they are super cute. This picture doesnt really do them justice, but here is a peek.

And I have new contacts coming in. I love going to the eye doctor, because it isnt my fault when I need a new prescription. Its not like the dentist where they always tell you something you can do better.
Monday is my big day though, with the surgery for my teeth. I am a little nervous, but I hope I will see the same assistant because she was super super nice and really made me feel like I know what to expect. I have never had general anesthesia before. The extent of my pain killer experience was whatever Dr Anstine prescribed for me for my stitches after Emma was born. I have a prescription to get filled tomorrow though so I have it on Monday. Jasons grandparents watched Emma for me today (mostly his Gram though, because his Gramps had a doctor appointment of his own) and they are watching Emma on Monday too. His Gramps will babysit me at the office and then I will hang out with them for several hours until I am capable of parenting again. I am a little nervous about this but not as much as I expected to be.
So, that is what is going on in this little world. Jason is still training for his first triathlon, it is August 8 in Emmet. He is running and biking tonight, and will be home in about an hour. Emma is asleep (shes been playing and crying in her crib for several hours at night, so I am very grateful she has decided just to go to sleep tonight.) We are all doing well. :)