Friday, November 7, 2008

dont drop the baby

Emma has dropped!

Im not sure how much, but hopefully enough to be another bit of convincing for Dr Carlson. I thought on tuesday that she seemed lower, but this morning I am sure! (I now have that magic pregnant belly table that all the women in my life have talked about setting their plates on. :)

I am officially full term tomorrow, and promise that by the end of today my bag will be completely packed. Jason and I spent last night cleaning the house so I feel a lot better about that being nearly complete. (Nesting anyone? Why do birds get to collect things and create a bigger mess and humans have to pick up after themselves? It doesnt seem fair.)

I just keep reminding myself, I am almost there.


  1. am I on someone's phone list? I need to know when you go into labor/get induced!

  2. I'm sooooo excited!!! come on, baby!!!

  3. You ARE almost there - and I am excited. :)
