Monday, November 3, 2008

encore presentation

I met Dr Grissom this morning. She looks much younger online than in person. Overall she was nice enough. She smiled a couple times. She listened to Emma's heart for a minute and didn't say anything about my weight gain. But that was it. I am still measuring a week ahead.

I will be full term next week, and that is when I see Dr Carlson, who I already know that I like. Please pray that i will know what to say to him in order to convince him that i need to be induced a week ahead of my due date, that it would work out so much better for everyone involved if he would be willing to do it. So, next week I will have news.


  1. If it's the same Dr Carlson (in Nampa), then he delivered me! And my 2 sisters. And I was induced! :o)

  2. semi-crazy blonde girlNovember 3, 2008 at 5:48 PM

    I'll pray that you are ready for induction. I hear it is a pretty miserable experience if you haven't already started dilating and effacing. I'm keeping you in my prayers anyway because I know how hard these last few weeks are. :)
