Sunday, November 16, 2008

heres the story

I have been having contractions for two weeks. Last Monday, I was dilated to three at my appointment. My contractions have continued since then, along with several other positive signs of labor. They are worse at night, and disappear towards morning, but Saturday was the exception. Saturday morning I went to work with Jason to finish up a project before Monday and walked the office while he worked. Around 1030 contractions became regular every two to three minutes and continued. I kept tract and let Jason know. We finished up his work at the office, then went to lunch at Red Robin, and headed to St Lukes.

I checked in to triage and drank some juice to wake Emma up. Her heart rate was good, and my contractions continued at one and a half to three minutes apart. I was dilated to four. The problem was that the contractions weren't strong enough. I walked the halls with Jason for an hour and then was checked again. My contractions haven't changed at all. They hang out around every two minutes, and the intensity stayed the same. I was still dilated to four, still not thinned.

So after two hours at St Lukes, they sent me home and said it could be a couple hours, or days, but I should be able to feel the contractions intensify and know when to return. It has been another full day since then, and my contractions are still every two to three minutes. I have back pain and cramping with them, but their intensity is only slightly increased. I do not want to have to see Dr Carter tomorrow, but I will at least have Jason with me and I pray that one of the doctors will be willing to help my labor along.

It has been a hard weekend, and I am frustrated. Please keep praying for us, for my energy and my baby's desire to enter the world. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sarah, I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how frustrating that would be!!! Emma sure is taking her sweet time about things!
