Thursday, November 13, 2008

i am not a patient person.

Really. Are you surprised? I hate waiting. I know, I'm not even due for two and a half more weeks, so whats my problem, right? Everything that is supposed to mean labor is coming soon has happened and passed, and I am still at home waiting for regular contractions or my water to break.


I even rearanged the furniture in Emmas room yesterday. Last night seemed SO promising, for almost an hour of timing (which is very hard to do by yourself I learned) my contractions were regular, and getting closer together. Then they just went back to being irregular. Durring the night I had very regular contractions, all night long, but they dwindle as morning gets closer and when I finally get up they are back to being very irregular.

Patience is so hard for me. I need distraction. Or labor. I would be okay with that too. :)


  1. what is your schedule like? as in, what time does jason get home? :)

  2. jason gets home between 630 and 730, usually closer to 7. why do you ask?

  3. We are sooo going shopping today. Maybe Emma just wants to go shopping first?
